International Bioengineering (IBP)


International Bioengineering seeks to recruit qualified individuals from around the global, regardless of nationality and provide them with advanced education in the fields of life science and biotechnology. At the same time, we seek to considerably enhance the levels of basic research for nurturing new industries in these fields. Through advanced education and research activities, we are able to fulfill the aspirations of the Graduate School of Engineering as a whole: to act as a leader in creating an engineering environment with Asia as its core.


Course Title


International Bioengineering Program (G30-IBP)


► Information on Dept. of Bioengineering

► Faculty at Dept. of Bioengineering





Number to be Admitted


Limited numbers (Master's degree)

Start Date


Admission date is scheduled to be October 01.

Admission and/or course registration to take place at the University of Tokyo's School of Engineering, Hongo Campus.

Intended Applicants
  • G30-IBP provides qualified individuals with advanced education in the fields of life science and biotechnology.
  • Curriculum


    The education and research of the Department of Bioengineering is divided into six fields: mechanobio-engineering, bioelectronics, biodevices, chemical bioengineering, biomaterials and bioimaging.

    In this new international program, lectures concerning general bioengineering-related concepts and specific topics in each of the six fields of research will be conducted, as well as more intimate discussion- based seminars both in basic bioscience and bioindustry. We are especially attentive to the inclusion of the latest research achievements from each of the six fields in our lecture content. In addition to these classes, students must conduct a master thesis research in each laboratory.

    Through specialized education and research curriculum, G30-IBP is able to foster exceptional students with good English communication skills in science and engineering and who have both a wide vision and specific expertise in at least one of the six areas, so that they may take active roles in the research and development of rapidly advancing bioengineering-related fields.

    ► UT-MATE Syllabus Search
    ► Education > Current Students at the Dept. of Bioengineering (English)
    ► Research Outlines of the Six Areas

    How to Apply Online


    Things to be checked out;
    1. the Application Guidelines for Global 30 programs;
    2. Read both
        1). Application Guidelines for all Special English Graduate Program, and
        2). Application Guidelines for Globabl30 Special English Program
    3. G30-IBP (Bioengineering) is only for master's degree. Applicants for doctoral degree program need to apply through IME Graduate Programs.

    4. G30-IBP requires TOEFL or IELTS . and GRE-General..
      1. (G30-IIBP) Acceptable Standardized Tests Scores

        Click-> [Submission Methods & Deadlines for Official Score Reports from External Testing Centers]


    5. Go to "Application Procedures" to create your account in T-cens.

    6. Confirm "Course Summary" about the details of your chosen course.

    7. (This site will be updated on August.)

    ►If you are interested in other programs, such as MEXT scholarship through the Japanese Embassy in your home country, please check from here.

    Home courses admission FAQ for current students for alumni