Frequently Asked Questions AFTER Enrolling the Program

よくある質問 (入学後)

If you are interested in programs other than the G30 Program, you need to contact each department/program office for more information about admission as a non-G30 applicant and follow the instructions given by the department/program office.

Click->Admissions Information for Graduate School
Click->FAQ before after enrolling to the Global30 program at the Graduate School of Engineering




Are there any chances to communicate with the Japanese students on campus?

Master’s Global 30に入学後、日本人学生との交流はありますか。

Q2. Are there any Japanese language classes offered at School of Engineering?


Q3. Is it possible for me to proceed to a doctoral degree program after my completion of the Master’s Global 30 Course at School of Engineering?

Master’s Global 30を修了したあと,博士課程に進学できますか。

Q4. Is it possible to have a career consultation or employment assistance?

Master’s Global 30の修了生に対して,就職斡旋をしてもらえますか。


A1. Are there any chances to communicate with the Japanese students on campus?

Master’s Global 30に入学後、日本人学生との交流はありますか。

Yes. Once you enroll in School of Engineering, master’s students with different backgrounds study and do research together on campus regardless of their nationalities; both Japanese and non-Japanese students equally have chances to attend lectures offered in English, get supervisions in English, and acquire credits for graduation. Please refer to the following URL for more details on requirements for completing courses:

はい。英語による講義と研究指導を英語で受けることができ,同時に日本人学生も英語による講義を聴講して単位を取得することができます。研究室では同じ大学院学生として,国籍に関係なく一緒に学び研究をします。 卒業要件も日本人,外国人の差はありません。
A2. Are there any Japanese language classes offered at School of Engineering?


Yes. School of Engineering offers Japanese language classes for the international students to attend for free of charge.  Please refer to the following URL for more details:


A3. Is it possible for me to proceed to a doctoral degree program after my completion of the Master’s Global 30 Course at School of Engineering?

Master’s Global 30を修了したあと,博士課程に進学できますか。

Yes, if you pass “the doctoral degree program admission test” for the department of your interest. For further information, please refer to the URL below;

A4. Is it possible to have a career consultation or employment assistance?

Master’s Global 30の修了生に対して,就職斡旋をしてもらえますか。

You may consult and receive advises at the Career Support for Students of the University of Tokyo.  For further information, please refer to the following URL;
