Welcome to T-cens, the Online Application System for the School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, where you can apply for entry to Special Graduate Programs for International Students and Exchange Student Program under Agreement with Partner Universities.
The main features of T-cens
- Information offered via the web: application submissions, calls for scholarship applications, arrival procedure information (required information provided only to the required people at the required time).
- International Coordination Team (ICT): Contact points that applicants can reach
- Shared System: This system is shared in the School of Engineering (Common application procedures, etc.)
- Bilingual Text: English and Japanese
- Webを通じた情報提供:出願,奨学金応募,渡日手続きに必要な情報をTcensを通じて提供 (必要な情報を,必要なタイミング で,必要な人にのみ,提供する。奨学金申請,渡日手続きも扱う包括的なシステム)
- International Coordination Team (ICT) :応募者から見える一括した窓口
- システム共通: 工学系共通の応募方法、書式など
- バイリンガル(英・日)表記
